Thanks for your time Kevin.

Yes it works. I'm impressed. With your solution my 3DAspect looks simple. It's simple 
to configure it in way that you've provided. And my ExceptionHandlerAspect4D is a 
simple old JBossAOP aspect, with plain invoke(..). That's enough for me.

Ok. But still it is a workaround, although smart and works for this example.

But what about a whole aspect of before advice methods? To put, say persistance logic 
in one Aspect class. Not one separate interceptor for every core method (these 30 
methods ;)   ) .
You know: beforeGetCustomers(), beforeRentAHouse(), beforeAnotherCoreMethod(), etc..

It isn't so simple now. You'll end up with 30 interceptors (extend 
AbstractInterceptor) or one aspect extending MyCustomAspect where you'll have 30 
methods like this one... ouh my.. I'm scared of the code I see.. I won't write it...

Wouldn't be it simpler to have:
    <bind pointcut="execution(* Pojo->method1())">
  |         <interceptor class="knrc.beforeAfter.Aspect3D" type="before" />
  |                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |     </bind>
  |     <aspect class="Aspect3D" scope="PER_VM" />
  |     <bind pointcut="execution(* Pojo->method1())">
  |         <advice name="beforeMethod1" type="before" aspect="Aspect3D" />
  |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |     </bind>

Thanks for explaining me this try()..catch()..finally() issues.

Best regards,

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