"KevinConner" wrote : Hiya guys.
  | ... as it provides the advices that remove the code duplication....

With full respect to your code Kevin (I use it):
I will send you my custom code for using writting Strings to System.out. Why should we 
use System.out.println(String) method if we can use custom Utils.writeMyString(String) 
method which uses System.out.println(char) internally...

anonymous wrote : 
  | I tend to agree with Bill on the matter of simplicity...
I think we're on different sides of a mirror..

What type of simplicity are you talking about? 
Simplicity of JBossAOP implementation (which I don't care in this case), simplicity of 
JBossAOP API (come on...JBossAOP has four ways of specifying joinpoints: AspectJ 
style, annotations in separate XML or within Java source and two additional 
methods/words won't blow it) or simplicity of using JBossAOP which is the one I care 
and is most important and it fails in some cases without after/before

anonymous wrote : 
  | It is generally easier to keep a simpler framework fast and correct than an 
expanded one, it is usually easier to learn as well :-).

The case we're discussing (types of advices) is simple to imagine. Come on..

anonymous wrote : 
  | The tradeoff is in ease of development....

Yeah, and I thought for a moment aspects and AOP frameworks were for ease of 

anonymous wrote : 
  | .. Both subclassing and aspects can be used to good effect...

Yes, yes.. so let's use pure OO then. What for do we need AOP advantages if we can 
implement the same functionallity without AOP..

anonymous wrote : 
  | The other advantage is that you can tailor this to fit your own needs.  You are 
not constrained by a particular implementation of before/after as you have the code 
and can change it.

I'm not sure if I understood this ..

Kevin, thanks for your code. I've designed concerns and implemented them without 
having to use try-catch-finally in many places. My aim is to separate exception 
hangling which is a separate concern ("separation of concerns"). For this I need 
before/after functionallity. 
What about other people who will need similar functionallity as I? Will we tell them: 
use try-catch-finally or adopt Kev's sollution?

This disscussion starts to be silly...

Tomasz Nazar

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