On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 09:52 -0600, Clebert Suconic wrote:
> 1) It is slow
>  - It's the best I can do now, since there is no way on the API to get
> such thing. I can verify later if there is a way to associate two tags
> with a class on JVMTI, that would help me doing a faster navigation.

I'm not familiar with JVMTI and the doco is not very good,
at least for "newbies" trying to understands the semantics of the
call. I need to expermient. ;-)

> 2) The formatting is not good
>   - Any ideas on how to improve it? I have just made a quick fix,
> improved a little bit, but not much

I'd like to see something like
reference <- referer1.field
          <- referer2.field <- referer3.field

And although using object.toString() is useful,
it can be obscure when it doesn't include [EMAIL PROTECTED]
like some of the jsr77 classes
and it is totally uninformative for arrays.

Similarly, some collections like linked lists or HashMaps don't show up
well with the algorithm you are using.

> 3) Showing the field name
>   - I don't have a way on the event chain to determine what's the field
> keeping a reference. It would be nice though. 


Adrian Brock
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