>The trouble is that many companies employ Java developers who can barely
>string a piece of code together. Add to this J2EE and they start gibbering
>in the corner! A lot of Java people are self-taught or converters from some
>older language like COBOL. I mean no disrespect, but often this doesn't turn
>out the best Java programmers.

couldn't agree more. getting skilled people to develop in a complex j2ee 
environment is a real problem. it took us a while until we had our 
development process optimized in a way that we could really use less 
skilled/experienced developers. now the "gurus" work mostly on improving 
tools (a code generation framework for generating cmp-ejbs with a service 
layer and tons of helper classes and a web-application framework) and 
making architecture decisions and the freshmen happily work inside their 
servlets and xsl-templates  with strict coding guidelines on top of a 
service layer which is ejb-based, so they don't have to understand (the 
more the better) the whole thing. works very well.

we've been using j2ee (or parts of it using jserv, JonAS and now orion) for 
more than a year in projects and our observations/experiences were as follows.

in the beginning you tend to use things because they are there not because 
they are most appropriate. specifically we underestimated the price you 
have to pay for putting things in an ejb in maintenance (rarely really had 
performance issues because of ejb overhead), required developer-know-how 
and depending on your container, development cycle efficiency. in the small 
scale a nice gui-editor might be sufficient but if you have a large online 
shop application with content management deployed many times, maintenance 
of xml-deployment files becomes a big issue, especially when the software 
evolves with time and the number of deployments grows. I'm not saying don't 
use ejb, just use it more consciously. we are very happy with j2ee and have 
several applications out there that are considered successful projects.

the other thing is maturity of available software and using the latest 
standards. we decided about a year ago to code according to EJB1.1 because 
we knew orion was conformant to that and the spec had simply improved a lot 
since 1.0. problem was, we didn't really have a choice in appservers as 
there were no alternatives out there supporting ejb1.1 in our price range. 
the decision was daring if not completely braindead. we ran into so many 
infancy problems with orion that made us spend manweeks if not more in 
diagnosing orion bugs, coding workarounds and banging our heads against the 
wall (things are fine now and I would still recommend orion as a product 
btw.). boy, would we have liked to have source code for orion at the time 
;-). we had relied on the cmp-speed of orion and a switch back to JoNAS 
wouldn't have been possible without major changes in our infrastructure. we 
pulled through somehow but got in really serious trouble because of project 
delays. looking back it would have been better to have done the project 
with servlets and some o/r-mapping and jta at the time and evaluate an ejb 
based solution a little longer. I can only advise people not to 
underestimate those problems and to include them in their risk management 
strategy. this is why I haven't thought about using jboss yet, because I 
think it takes several real life projects to discover the less obvious bugs 
and get an acceptable level of stability. however, I'm sure orion will 
overtake many competitors (definitely all OS ones) but it will take time 
before it can be compared to something like orion (which is very usable 
right now) simply because the only thing that makes a product good is users 
that depend on the product doing its job.

to sum things up, J2EE for us has definitely been a success in real life 
projects and a very powerful architecture once you free yourself from 
technological trigger-happiness and learn what the trade-offs are.


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
(-) [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.signal7.de

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