Okay, I'm not getting very far with DB/2.  I downloaded the DB/2
7.1 Universal DB Personal Edition for Linux.  I installed it with the
default instance and sample database, and I can't connect to it with the
JDBC drivers that ship with it.  I'm not sure if this is a limitation of
the personal edition or what (the control center reports "server with
local clients" and I can't change it to "server with local and remote
clients").  It seems to be listening on port 50000 (which it added to
/etc/services), and I can telnet to that port, but if I point the JDBC
driver to that I get the error "CLI0615E  Error receiving from socket,
server is not responding. SQLSTATE=08S01".
        If anyone can get me up and running with JDBC and DB/2, I'd
*really* appreciate it.  The documentation on the IBM site and in the
local install is totally useless - both are riddled with broken links, and
seem to give only the most general instructions (such as, "Install and
configure DB2 Java Enablement, provided on DB2 Universal Database Version
7.1 for Linux clients and servers." - gee, thanks).


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