On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> Hi all
> I have seen quite a bit of discussion on the issue of Dynamic classloading
> I have spent several days trying to do it myself...but NO BANANA
> On the client side I have jboss-client in the class path and also
> jnp-client in that directory. I do not have my Ejb home & remote interfaces
> on the client classpath
> Here's my client code. Please anybody help...

Why all that Reference stuff?  java.lang.ref.Reference isn't even instantiable;
which Reference are you instantiating?

I managed to get it at least partly working like this:

URL urls[] = new URL[1];
urls[0] = new URL( "http://localhost:8083" );
ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader( urls );
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( cl );
System.setSecurityManager( new RMISecurityManager() ); // Not sure this is needed
// Now do your normal EJB stuff...

but there was some bug somewhere meant I could load all the JNP stuff, and my
HI/RI, but not the javax.ejb.* stuff.  Sounds like someone's moved this to a
new classloader and forgotten to tell the web server about it or something; 
shouldn't be hard to fix.

BTW, what happens if the same classes are being loaded by two different
classloaders?  How do they appear in the webserver?  The client shouldn't care,


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