anonymous wrote : 
  | You need to use a bean-managed transaction (BMT) bean if you want to 
control the transaction - i.e. tx.begin() tx.commit() etc.

As I suspected :).  Can you point me to what I need to do to declare bean 
managed persistence?   My backing bean is just a POJO/Seam component - it's not 
an EJB, so I don't think I can use the javax.ejb's @TransactionManagement 
(BEAN) annotation.

The following snippet from the Seam docs hint that it's possible, but I can't 
find any more detailed docs or examples.
anonymous wrote : 
  | Seam JavaBean components do not provide declarative transaction demarcation 
like session beans do. You could manage your transactions manually using the 
JTA UserTransaction or declaratively using Seam's @Transactional  annotation. 

Thanks again!

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