I've  got about the same  problem as you ,
and  found the sollution for  your  part
 handling BMT 

a)  components.xml   switch of  transactions (see seam manual)
  |    <core:init debug="@debug@" jndi-pattern="@jndiPattern@" 
transaction-management-enabled="false"/>   <!-- 
transaction-management-enabled="false" -->
  |    <!--    <transaction:no-transaction />   -->    
<transaction:no-transaction /> 
  |    <core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="500" 
  |                  conversation-timeout="99000000" 
b)   is  use following  class i extend  to my  EJB
i'm still trying  out  the code, so any remarks are welcome

my problem is  that  after  some 300 transactions (5minutes/processing for 1 
request) all of a sudden  it  loses the transaction  and whatever  I do I'm 
dead . I'm still trying to solve that one 

  | //@Stateless 
  | //@Startup
  | //@Name("BMT")
  | //@TransactionManagement(TransactionManagementType.BEAN) 
  | public class BMT {
  | @Logger private Log log;
  | //@Scope(ScopeType.APPLICATION)
  | static int txncount=0;
  | @PersistenceContext (type=EXTENDED) private EntityManager em;//do not use 
@in em
  | //@in em would work just fine if you would call 
  | // in your method before you use the EntityManager. 
  | // Of course the @Injected EM will not join the transaction automatically 
  | // because the transaction is started AFTER injection, when the method is 
  | //
  | @Resource  private UserTransaction userTransaction; 
  | public String process(String xml)    throws Exception {return null;}
  | public String copy(StatementsDB sta) throws Exception {return null;} 
  | public String txs(String argument,StatementsDB sta) throws Exception
  | {boolean rollback=true;
  |  String result=null;
  |       int ier=0;
  |        if (txncount<1) {txncount=100;
  |                         int tmo=this.setSessuionTimeout(30);//do not 
timeout while operations are active
  |                         boolean seso=isNewSession();}
  |            --txncount;
  |       if (!em.isOpen()) 
  |               log.info("Em  persitence manager  not open any more !!!");
  |       try{  em.joinTransaction(); }catch (Exception er)
  |           {ER(er,"em join the transaction  transaction ");throw(er);} 
//after practicaly 5 minutes   we die here 
  |       try{  ier=userTransaction.getStatus(); }catch (Exception er) 
{ER(er,"get status transaction ");}
  |       //set transaction timeout
  |       try{  userTransaction.setTransactionTimeout(100000); }catch 
(Exception er) {ER(er,"transaction timeout  ");}
  |       if (ier!=6) log.info("Status  transaction different "+ier);
  | try{        
  |     try {// what is  the  ejbcontext ????
  |             //EJB             userTransaction  = 
EJBContext.getUserTransaction( );//EJBclassical way 
  |         userTransaction= 
  | //SEAMEJB            if (  userTransaction.isNoTransaction())//SEAMEJB 
if(transaction.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION){
  | //SEAMEJB                    {   userTransaction= 
  | //SEAMEJB                    }
  |               userTransaction.begin(); // etc
  |           //  em.joinTransaction();
  |         } catch(Exception er) {ER(er,"Begin transaction");}
  |         String res=null;
  |         if (argument!=null) 
  |             res = process(argument);
  |         if (sta!=null)    
  |             res=copy(sta);
  |     try {
  |             userTransaction.commit(); // etc
  |             rollback=false;//all is successful   kill any possible rollback
  |             result=res;//only if successfull commited the result is passed 
  |         }  catch(Exception er) {ER(er,"Commit transaction");}
  |   } catch(Exception er) {ER(er,"Transaction");}
  |   finally
  |   {  try {
  | //SEAMEJB if (!userTransaction.isCommitted()) 
{userTransaction.rollback();NewTransaction();}//auto detect commitment 
  | //SEAMEJB else 
  |               if (rollback) {userTransaction.rollback();
  |                          //get a  new transaction
  |                          NewTransaction();//Em.gettransaction not for JTA 
BMT em.getTransaction();//
  |                         }
  |          } catch (Exception er)
  |                  { String errmsg=er.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ 
  |                    if(errmsg.indexOf("NullPointer")>-1 || 
errmsg.indexOf("OutOfBounds")>0) log.fatal("[transaction BMT ] Rollback  failed 
 "+ errmsg,er);
  |                    else  log.error("[transaction BMT ] Rollback  failed  "+ 
errmsg );
  |                  }
  |   }//finaly 
  |   return result;
  | }
  | public int  setSessuionTimeout(int minutes)
  | {    if (minutes <1)minutes=1;
  |   int tmo=0;
  |   try {
  |       Object  obj =ServletContexts.instance().getRequest();//null?
  |       if 
  |      if (obj!=null) 
  |      if (obj!=null) 
  |      if (obj!=null) return tmo;
  |      //      int tmo=
  | //               
  | //                   
  |                      return minutes;
  |   } catch (Exception er)
  |   { String errmsg=er.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ er.getMessage();
  |   if(errmsg.indexOf("NullPointer")>-1 || errmsg.indexOf("OutOfBounds")>0) 
log.fatal("ServletContext   error "+ errmsg+" time:"+tmo+"/"+ minutes,er);
  |   else  log.error("[ServletContext error  set timeout   "+ errmsg +" 
time:"+tmo+"/"+ minutes );}
  |     return 0;
  | }
  | public boolean isNewSession()
  | {     try{
  |         Object  obj =ServletContexts.instance().getRequest();//null
  |        if 
  |      if (obj!=null) return 
  | //  return 
  | } catch (Exception er)
  | { String errmsg=er.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ er.getMessage();
  | if(errmsg.indexOf("NullPointer")>-1 || errmsg.indexOf("OutOfBounds")>0) 
log.fatal("new session   error "+ errmsg,er);
  | else  log.error("[ServletContext error  set timeout   "+ errmsg  );}
  |      return true;
  | }
  | private void NewTransaction()
  | {
  |     log.error("I urgently  want a new transaction, I lost the  old  one  in 
a rollback");
  |     try{
  | //  em.joinTransaction();//test 
  |     } catch (Exception er){ER(er,"JOIN TRANSACTION RECOVER ");}
  | }
  | private void ER(Exception er,String mes)
  |     {String errmsg=er.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ er.getMessage();
  |      if(errmsg.indexOf("NullPointer")>-1 || 
errmsg.indexOf("OutOfBounds")>0) log.error(mes+"  "+ errmsg,er);
  |      else  log.error(mes+"  "+ errmsg);
  | }

It's  not essential to do the  Join the TXN  with em but that way  my  problem 
is detected  prior  to executing  my process...

any comment is welcome  of coarse.

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