I dumped my mysql variables and these are the differences that I noted:

1) I am using utf8 for my character sets:

| character_set_client            | utf8
| character_set_connection        | utf8
| character_set_database          | utf8
| character_set_filesystem        | binary
| character_set_results           | utf8
| character_set_server            | utf8
| character_set_system            | utf8
| collation_connection            | utf8_general_ci
| collation_database              | utf8_general_ci
| collation_server                | utf8_general_ci

This might have an effect on the sorting algorithm, and could be the cause of 
the problem you are seeing.

2) Various buffer sizes are different, but this probably just reflects 
differences in memory sizes.

3) You changed the port to 3307

4) Your sql-mode is set to nothing, while mine is:

| sql_mode                        | 

Not sure if this could cause the problem.

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