We recently upgraded our JBossAS from 4.0.5 to 4.2.2.  We have EJBs exposed as 
Web Services.  Since the upgrade, applications that consume the Services no 
longer work due to changes in the WSDL produced by 4.2.2.  Though our EJBs are 
annotated, the WSLDs are very different.  We have tried to annotate at the 
package level to get the WSDL to match the old services in 4.0.5 but have had 
no luck.  

Errors we experience are similar to the following:
12:46:10,048 ERROR [SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS] SOAP request exception 
javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.NullPointerException

All is good if we Re-consume the service but the is not a viable solutions for 
all of our clients.

Has anyone experienced XmlSchema changes when upgrading?  Does anyone have a 
solution for such a problem?  Any guidance is appreciated.

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