"bbeloff" wrote : On the corrupted specifications:
  | The archive disappears from the list of archives in the Project archives 
view.  The archive, if (automatically) updated at this point, appears to be 
empty.  This is difficult to verify, because the problem can be transient.

I created http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-2324 for you.

anonymous wrote : 
  | On multiple deployments:
  | This seems to be a problem in the way the Servers view works - the view 
reports that an EAR file is deployed twice, though it actually isn't.
  | I have uploaded the following screen grab:
  | http://www.classcalendar.biz/tech/servers.png
  | Which shows the incorrect report.

I created http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-2325 for this and as you will 
see in the jira I think this might acutally currently be expected behavior when 
you have both clicked Deploy to server on the generated .ear file and deployed 
the archive directly.

This could be done better - I agree.

If you did not do the double publish as described then please follow up in the 
jira with how you that view to show that.

anonymous wrote : 
  | * Project archive / Edit publish settings - clicking on' Finish' has no 
effect - the dialogue box remains open.  This problem did not exist in 

I created http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-2326 for that.

anonymous wrote : 
  | Come on guys, didn't you test this?!

Well, apparently not well enough. As you can see in the jira I actually could 
not reproduce this at first and had to try a couple of different thigns before 
it happend. That is not an excuse, but just to show that it actually works for 
some scenarioes.

btw. for future reference looking in the Error Log and attaching any exceptions 
that might occur would provide us with alot more information which we can use 
to fix the bugs.

E.g. for the corrupted archives I would assume the error log would have some 
info. If you dont want to wander through it manually you can use Help > Report 
a problem which will generate a diagnositc log which contains the error log 
which would be great to attach to the related jira.

anonymous wrote : 
  | * Refresh of archives in Package explorer view - Attempting to export a 
newly-updated archive frequently results in an error message, because Eclipse 
was not refreshed following the archive update.  Doing a manual refresh fixes 
this (until the next update).  This problem did exist in 2.10.1.GA.  I'm not 
certain about it now.  Is this a JBoss Tools bug, or is something fundamentally 
non-transactional in the Eclipse APIs?

Depends on the error message/stack trace ?

anonymous wrote : 
  | On installation problems - I'm not an Eclipse plug-in developer, but this 
looks seriously screwed.  The software update left all the old plug-in and 
feature elements still sitting there.  This is surely likely to lead to odd 

2 scenarios here:

1) You install/update JBossTools 2.1.0.GA into a clean eclipse (no previous 
jboss tools linstall)

2) You install/update JBoss Tools 2.1.0.GA into an eclipse that had JBoss Tools 
2.0.0.GA before.

In case #1 then *no* trace of previous JBoss Tools installations should be 
found. Only JBoss Tools 2.1.0.GA releated plugins should be in there. 

In case #2 then both 2.1.0.GA and 2.0.0.GA plugins will be inside eclipse which 
when it restarts will take the latest ones. This is how eclipse update manager 
work! Nothing specific about JbossTools here.

Are you saying you did case #1 or case #2 ?
If case #1 we have an issue, case #2 is expected Eclipse behavior.

anonymous wrote : 
  | With regret, I'm not going to log any of these on Jira, at least not at 
this stage.  There are simply too many bugs to make a sufficiently reliable 
report.  If you can deliver something more stable, I'll do what I can then.

Sorry to hear that - without bug reports we can't really know about them to fix 
them. Please realize that JBoss Tools has a *huge* set of functionallity and we 
do our best to QA them before realesing but sometimes bugs do go undiscovered 
until some user bumps into the specific scenario.

That said we know Project Archives had a couple of bad NPE bugs which definitly 
should have been found before the release - and im sorry about that. We have 
done a 2.1.1.GA release to fix the worst of these and are now working on 
2.1.2.GA to get the last bad ones fixed and released.

Bugs in forums tend to get lost, hence why I always ask users to report issues 
in jira so we get their additional angle on the bug. In this case you did not 
want to so I did it for you since I found your issues to be important to get 
fixed/looked into. I hope in the future you will report in jira ;)

Thanks for your help so far - I hope you will hang around and beat us up when 
we as humans fail again and bug shows up in your neighborhood.

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