"bbeloff" wrote : anonymous wrote : I created 
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-2325 for this and as you will see in 
the jira I think this might acutally currently be expected behavior when you 
have both clicked Deploy to server on the generated .ear file and deployed the 
archive directly. 
  |   | 
  | I didn't do both.  I ONLY did a Deploy To Server from the ear file in the 
package explorer.  Subsequently, the second item appeared in the Servers view.  
I'll update the Jira.


anonymous wrote : 
  | The reason why I take this route is that - from experience - if I take the 
Server > Add or Remove Projects route, I don't get automatic redeployments.  
Another bug. Sigh.
I think you might just bump into that the default redeploy for servers is 5 
seconds in WTP  so it wont happen as quickly as you might like ?

anonymous wrote : 
  | anonymous wrote : Well, apparently not well enough. As you can see in the 
jira I actually could not reproduce this at first and had to try a couple of 
different thigns before it happend. That is not an excuse, but just to show 
that it actually works for some scenarioes. 
  |   | 
  | Well, there you go.  I tried this in a number of situations, and could 
never get it to work!

yup - without you bugging us it could have lived on for a while ;)

anonymous wrote : 
  | anonymous wrote : Are you saying you did case #1 or case #2 ?
  |   | 
  | Case #2, using automatic update ('new features').  Thanks for the info.  I 
can see some logic in leaving old versions lying around, but I can also see the 
logic in removing them.  I don't want to work with clean installs if I can 
avoid it, because I have other plugins in place.

Yes, I complain regulararly about this to eclipse - but deleting plugins is 
apparently hard to do safely by the updatemanager.

anonymous wrote : 
  | anonymous wrote : Bugs in forums tend to get lost, hence why I always ask 
users to report issues in jira so we get their additional angle on the bug. In 
this case you did not want to so I did it for you since I found your issues to 
be important to get fixed/looked into. I hope in the future you will report in 
jira ;) 
  |   | 
  | My own way of working is to listen to user's bug reports, then write them 
up myself - so that I can express them more precisely, in terms of a system I 
understand.  That's just my way.

Well I like to get the users input into the jira and then update the jira or 
spawn of other jiras if needed....that ensures the user can actually keep track 
of the jira automatically (since they are the owners).....that's just my way ;)


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