I tried passing the "timeout" through the configuration map to the connector 
and then through the invokerlocation URL as a param and even tried calling 
connector.getServerInvoker().setTimeout(3000). None seem to work. However, the 
documentation clearly mentions this:

anonymous wrote : 
  | timeout - The socket timeout value passed to the Socket.setSoTimeout() 
method. The default on the server side is 60000 (one minute). 

Neither the default timeout nor the user defined timeout seem to be working for 
the connector.start() method. Looking into the code in the AcceptorThread, i 
see that this timeout is never used while calling the accept() method on the 
SocketServer.  This results in an indefinitely blocking call.

I do have a testcase to reproduce this. Now all i am waiting for is a 
confirmation that this is indeed an issue and not something that i missing :-)

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