1- Both Tx1 and Tx2 are reading the entity via the EntityManager.find().
2- I use a named query in another transaction which I execute before Tx1 and 
Tx2 to preload the cache with some entities. One of them would be read by Tx1 
and Tx2.
3- The CCustomerInventory entity is a collection of the CCustomer entity which 
is read by Tx1 and Tx2, and it is in the cache because of 2.
4- What I understood from navigating the traces is that collections are always 
read from DB, considering I have defined "fetch=FetchType.EAGER" in the 
OneToMany relationship between Customers and Customer Inventories.
5- Bear in mind cache statistics are indeed showing up the EntityManager.find() 
is reading the CCustomer from the cache.

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