Has anyone successfully used Apache Jetspeed2 (v.2.1.3) with JBoss-5.0.x.GA? If 
you have, why not brag about it: describe how you did it, i.e., installed 
Jetspeed2 on JBoss 5 and deployed your application ( EAR or WAR); and what were 
the pitfalls (if any) that you encountered? 

You might be asking, who wants to know? Well, I am a portlet novice, but have 
already spend 12 man-hours on the Internet, reading about the stuff. And, based 
on the reviews, thesis and papers on portlets, I have decided on Jetspeed2 
(v.2.1.3) and (of course) JBoss 5. However, I am still not very sure about 
using Jetspeed2 (v.2.1.3) with JBoss 5, so help a poor soul! 

Thanks in advance!

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