Hi Andy,

Thanks for the pointers. Based on your suggestions I have been able to send and 
receive 1000 messages on my Windows XP box without any problems! I tried to 
push this number upwards but it breaks at about 3000 messages - same 
"Connection failure has been detected" message. Anyway, I am not worried about 
that right now since I am not expecting those kinds of loads on my system. 
Moreover, it may just be that I am running out of steam on my development 

Bottom line is that my MDB configuration has always been correct. As you 
indicated, since I am running in my local server, I can just use the default 
INVM settings and there is no need for netty. So I have reverted to the simple 
MDB configuration I previously had:

  | @MessageDriven(activationConfig={
  |         @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName="destinationType", 
  |         @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName="destination", 
  |      })
  | public class TestMessageListener implements MessageListener {
  |     ...
  | }

The problem really was on the sender side. As Tim pointed out, because I was 
using "/ConnectionFactory", I was really not going through the JCA adapter. As 
soon as I changed that to "java:/JmsXA", messages started flowing smoothly. So 
I am a happy camper now :-).

Couple of quick followup questions:

1) When I monitor my queue from JBoss jmx-console I see very low message 
counts, typically less that 50. I know that all my 1000 messages have been 
pumped into the queue because the call to send them has returned. I also know 
that only a handful have been received by watching the logs. So why does the 
console not show a big number in the queue?

2) In the stand-alone server use case, where is the connection factory located 
- on the JBM server or on client (i.e. a standalone application or servlet/EJB 
running on an application server)? I am assuming that it is on the client and 
you might even provide an implementation that manages a pool of connections 
just like the JCA adapter on the application server. Is this assumption correct?

Finally, I have couple of suggestions that would make the documentation a lot 
clearer - at least for me :-). I like the two diagrams in sections 3.3 and 3.4 
- they give a nice high level overview of the two use cases - standalone and 
embedded. I suggest showing an external client in the standalone case to make 
it crystal clear from where the services are accessed.

Next, I would use these diagrams as a base for explaining deeper concepts. 
Overlay them with connection factories to show where they are located and how 
many of them are there. Especially useful would be to show what we get 
"out-of-the-box". For example, I had no idea that we get the JmsXA factory 
out-of-the-box and it is a JCA factory that I can start using right away. The 
documentation leads me to believe that I got to do a #~it-load of configuration 
before I can get JCA working - which is absolutely not true.

Finally, it would be very helpful to use the diagrams to show which 
configuration file controls which piece. There are so many configuration files 
flying out there that it is confusing for a beginner. You guys have set up very 
good defaults so that a new user could get started in just 10 minutes, but it 
has taken so much energy for so many people to get a simple use case going. I 
guess if you create a 10 minute getting started guide for two use cases 
(embedded and stand-alone), that would go a long way! (The existing Quick Start 
Guide is very mechanical, it gets the examples running but leaves the reader 
without any context around what they did. Also, I was having problems getting 
the jca-config example to run because of couple of issues - I could provide 
details separately.)

I hope this is feedback constructive.

Thanks again for all your help.


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