anonymous wrote : 1) When I monitor my queue from JBoss jmx-console I see very 
low message counts, typically less that 50. I know that all my 1000 messages 
have been pumped into the queue because the call to send them has returned. I 
also know that only a handful have been received by watching the logs. So why 
does the console not show a big number in the queue? 

This could be for 2 reasons, either the messages haven't arrived in the queue 
yet (this could happen if paging kicks in) or the messages are sitting in the 
clients internal buffer.

anonymous wrote : 2) In the stand-alone server use case, where is the 
connection factory located - on the JBM server or on client (i.e. a standalone 
application or servlet/EJB running on an application server)?

I'm not 100% sure what yopu mean by located. The connection factories are 
configured and created on the server and serialized to the client on lookup. 
The instance being used is on the client side.

anonymous wrote :  I am assuming that it is on the client and you might even 
provide an implementation that manages a pool of connections just like the JCA 
adapter on the application server. Is this assumption correct? 

This we already do, see the 'Session Multiplexing' chapter.

regarding the documentation, we will be reviewing this again before GA and will 
nore your comments.

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