Petr H [] created the discussion

"Re: How to stop my WAR loading JBoss's provided 3rd party classes?"

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> But you can always simply add your own jar with custom filter impls,
> and then simple use <javabean> to instantiate them.
> ...
> Like I already said, this is simple to duplicate - just check how we do it.

Yes I know, that's how I'll try it (after we manage to get the app at least 
fully starting on JBAS 6) but the main idea was to avoid the need for messing 
up with the JBoss-level code as much as possible - so try to make it possible 
with standard JBoss code and just "configuration changes".

As for that IncompatibleClassChangeError discussed in parallel - yes I think 
you're right with JPA stuff being in the app, I was seeing very similar issues 
when having JAXB and JTA stuff in there in my case. Here, parent-first=true 
would very likely "fix" that as well.

However parent-first=false is easier in my case, for example because of logging 
- I've got a log4j property file on classpath, initializing it via Spring 
(org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener) and with parent-first=false 
it logs more or less (well it steals JBoss' own logging but 
whatever)"out-of-the-box" while with parent-first=true everything naturally 
goes into JBoss server log. I recall there was supposed to be implemented some 
possibility to let it working properly with these multiple log4j configs etc (I 
think this was it but I'm not that sure at the moment: but haven't 
looked at it yet.

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