Tim Evers [http://community.jboss.org/people/Kragoth] created the discussion

"My issues (or missunderstandings) with Jboss Tools"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/592592#592592

Hey everybody.

Let me preface this by saying that my complaints may be completely unfounded 
and if anyone can help me solve my problems I will be most greatful.

So, let me describe the application I'm working on.

We have 2 tier design with Hibernate and Spring being the basis of our service 
layer and Seam/JSF being the basis of our web layer. Obviously there are other 
technologies/libs involved but...that's they are the foundations.

BUT!!!! (And this seems to be where jboss tools and to a certain extent eclipse 
itself falls to the ground and becomes a very annoying tool) I am not a 1 man 
team. Not only am I not alone, Eclipse is NOT the only IDE being used. Infact 
the structure of the app was designed in InteliJ (IDEA). 

So. let me explain our structure.

     -> code
     -> workspace //The eclipse workspace for my project is here outside my 

Inside the code folder

     -> gekko-build //Yeah I had to use linked resources to make this work 
cause ecipse is stupid about only compiling inside the project space
                         -> gekko-services //All our .java files from 
../gekko/gekko-services (see description below) compile there .class files to 
                         -> gekko-web       //Same as above except all the 
.class files from the compiled ../gekko/gekko-web/*.java files
     -> gekko
                    -> gekko-services //All our Hibernate and Spring stuff are 
here. Entities, Spring Components and Services
                    -> gekko-web
                                        -> config
                                                     -> seam/WEB-INF/classes 
                                                     -> spring/WEB-INF/classes
                                                     -> web/WEB-INF  //Contains 
things like web.xml and other files that will deploy into the war WEB-INF 
                                        -> prod-src
                                                        -> java //This is where 
all our Seam beans are.
                                                        -> resources 
//.properties files for messages etc
                                                        -> web //All our .xhtml 
files are here

So, that's a fairly accurate view of our folder structure.

So, let's try getting jBoss tools to play nice with this project... Older 
versions of the jboss tools worked OK. They had issues but auto complete in EL 
expressions and other features that really were quite helpful worked. There was 
a lot of stuff that didn't but I could live with it. As new versions came out 
it would take me longer and longer to get them working with our structure up 
till now. Now I can't get it working at all.

So, I do the Add Seam Support
Seam support - checked
Seam Runtime - created a new runtime to the directory I have in a sibling 
project...once again WHY!!! can't I put in a project relative path *SIGH* (I 
want to share these settings to others in my team...why make them hardcoded 
Deployment - WAR (I really don't want you to care about how I deploy, I just 
want you to allow me to have the features of EL expression auto complete etc)
View Folder - Well, I tried blank and /gekko/gekko-web/web but no idea if it is 
doing anything for me
Model - blank....We dont use extended persistence context Spring is our 
transaction manager.
Action/Form/Conv - gekko/gekko-web/prod-src/java - But....the Seam beans are 
not detected *sigh*
package - gekko.web
Test - left unchecked

So, click apply and nope not working.

Now, I've played around a bit with this and I notice that the Seam buildier is 
not appearing in my list of builders. *sigh*

So, I go check out the project Facets. Seam is not checked...if I try check it 
it tells me I have constraints not met. OK

But....all the required constraints now try to enforce a structure on my app. 
WTH? It should NOT matter how my uncompiled app is structured.

So, not to be out done I add the seam builder to my .project file manually. 
BOOM! All my Seam Beans now appear in the Seam Component view and auto complete 
in my EL expressions now shows my Seam beans. OK, making progress.

But, I don't get any of the features that I was hoping to get. Thinks like 
finding all usages of a method in my xhtml.

Anyway, I've had my rant. I'm frustrated. Why is it so easy for developers 
using InteliJ to just tell the facet here is the web.xml, here is the 
faces-config.xml and it just works for them. WHY does eclipse / jboss tools/ 
whatever other plugin jboss tools relies go bananas if I don't have my project 
set out like it wants it.

Has anyone had success in getting all the features of jboss tools to work on a 
project where the layout is not 'standard'.

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