Tim Evers [http://community.jboss.org/people/Kragoth] created the discussion

"Re: My issues (or missunderstandings) with Jboss Tools"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/594362#594362

Appart from my initial issues which may end up being an "insert new user" 
problem, I really want to commend those involved in the Jboss Tools 
development. The upgrade (now that it appears to be working) has improved 
dramatically compared to the older version I was using.

It is much much faster. (I actually ended up turning off the Seam builder in 
the old version due to the fact it was taking up to almost a minute each build, 
now I barely notice it happen  :) )

My custom tags auto complete works without me having to hack some xml file 
buried somewhere in the plugins directory!  :D  This is fantastic. All I had to 
do was setup my xml catalog and boom it worked. 

So, a big thanks to all involved. This upgrade has certainly addressed a lot of 
my concerns.

Just something to mention about the original topic.

I was having issues opening my .xhtml files. Everytime I opened one it would 
ask me if I wanted to add JSF support to the project. I would click yes, click 
apply (as the details were already filled in) and then it *appeared* to work 
and go into my .xhtml file. However this process was happening every time I 
attempted to open a .xhtml file. I eventually got tired of it and just copied 
the missing builder mentioned in this thread into my .project file and that 
appears to have solved my problem. Does this make sense?

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