Daniele Ulrich [http://community.jboss.org/people/daniele.ulrich] created the 

"Re: In memory TaskClient without Mina or JMS"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/617288#617288

Hi Franklin

Yes, it should work in any JTA managed environment. There is simply no other 
choice than to rely on JTA and XA if you want to keep multiple databases in 
sync within proper transaction boundaries. For unit tests you have to solve the 
usual tasks if you need managed environments in J2SE; but you already have a 
recipe with your spring solution...

I only have read access to the GIT repository, so I did not tag the source. I 
started from the 5.0.0 tag and need to apply similar changes to the 
5.1.0-Final. Yes, as long as the JPA integration is no official part of the 
library, you will be responsible yourself for porting the changes in every new 

It is a question of the target architecture of the human task library: it is 
purely designed as stand alone server without the need of transactional 
behaviour. If the developer team sticks to this design they will probably not 
see a need to change anything. Hence raising a bug in JIRA would led to the 
"works as designed" conclusion.

I will discuss these issues in our daily meeting today; if we decide to use the 
service, I will be able to put some additional effort into a portable 
solution... I already have a couple of ideas... i.e. an EntityManagerFactory 
wrapper that is capable to deal with a JTA environment could eliminate the 
necessity to change the library itself...




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