Daniele Ulrich [http://community.jboss.org/people/daniele.ulrich] created the 

"Re: In memory TaskClient without Mina or JMS"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/619242#619242

Hi Franklin

**public**  executeEscalatedDeadline(Task task,Deadline deadline,
EntityManager em,
TaskService service) {

**if** ( deadline == **null** || *deadline.getEscalations() ==* ***null*** ) {


If I check the references to getEscalations() or setEscalations().... you will 
not find any except in a test case... even for the Entity "Escalation" itself 
you won't find references where the object would be created...

So it will be up to you to write an EscalationHandler of your own and to 
register it with this constructor:

 TaskService(EntityManagerFactory emf, SystemEventListener systemEventListener, 
EscalatedDeadlineHandler escalationHandler)

By the way: we have decided not to use this service anymore. As I said before 
it is not mature enough, furthermore we have found heavy memory leaks and 
inefficiencies (if you're using the EventListeners) and the effort to write a 
similar functionality is very low. Furthermore you can have a better 
integration in an existing user management.



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