roxy1987 [] created the discussion

"Re: PostgreSQL - empty database - install.demo.db does not exist"

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Ok. Your file looks fine. Lot of other files are modified 
during this process but I would like to believe that the configuration done by 
you is okay. Before you run the sample project. Just give the ant script 
start.demo. This will start your jboss server and will deploy the war files. 
Including human task war file. Once these files are successfully deployed(+You 
can check successful deployment by going into the directory 
\jbpm-installer\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\deployments\ and looking for 
.DEPLOYED files. You have to wait until .DEPLOYED files are generated for each 
war+), the task service will start by itself and will create tables in your 
task db. Similarly just run jbpm-console once and start a process. If you are 
able to do that then you should have tables in your db. If not then you may 
have missed some configuration. 

Meanwhile could you post the following files too :

and also the name of the jar file you are using for jdbc with postgre.

BTW, i should tell you, I am not an expert myself but have done the DB 
migration plenty of times so I might be able to help you here..


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