wishmaster7 [https://community.jboss.org/people/wishmaster7] created the 

"Re: PostgreSQL - empty database - install.demo.db does not exist"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/789253#789253

Hi roxy1987,

Here are my configuration files, including the jar file downloaded in 
db\driver\ (the file download link is in build.properties, 
+db.driver.download.url + ).

I think I went too fast in Eclipse; I have an error before that, when the 
server is starting; I didn't notice it because the console doesn't show 
anything, but in Jboss' server.log I can see errors :

> 08:19:31,030 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] (MSC service 
> thread 1-1) HHH000388: Unsuccessful: create table Attachment (id bigint 
> generated by default as identity, accessType integer, attachedAt timestamp, 
> attachmentContentId bigint not null, contentType varchar(255), name 
> varchar(255), attachment_size integer, attachedBy_id varchar(255), 
> TaskData_Attachments_Id bigint, primary key (id))
> 08:19:31,046 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] (MSC service 
> thread 1-1) ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de « generated »
>   Position : 36
> [...]

+erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de+  *=>*  +syntax error on or close to+ 

So, I undertstand that Jboss, at startup, tries to create the tables, but 
fails. In 
D:\Projects\jbpm-installer\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\deployments, I find 
the +.deployed+ files.

Searching for the reason, I think Jboss doesn't take the right driver 
(+generated by default+ is a typical H2 command). If you can find something I 
did wrong in my configuration, it might rescue me !

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