I wouldn't say that it's without problems, but I did get the sortable table 
working with Seam 1.1.5 (and now upgraded to 1.1.6). I haven't gone to 1.2 yet.

The trick that I had to use is to provide the ice:dataTable with the actual 
DataModel itself, not the outjected variable from Seam. For example, I have a 
bean that manages a table of companies that can be sorted by name or main 
office location:

  | @Stateful
  | @Name("companyList")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
  | public class CompanyListBean extends CompanyList {
  |     ...
  |     @DataModel
  |     private List<CompanyListObject> companies;
  |     ...
  |     public boolean isAscending() {
  |         // getter
  |     }
  |     public void setAscending(boolean ascending) {
  |         // setter
  |     }
  |     public String getSortColumn() {
  |         // getter
  |     }
  |     public void setSortColumn(String columnName) {
  |         // setter
  |     }
  |     ...
  |     public javax.faces.model.DataModel getResults() {
  |         if (companies.size() > 1) {
  |             // do sort logic if necessary...
  |             java.util.Collections.sort(companies, someComparator);
  |         }
  |         return (javax.faces.model.DataModel) Contexts
  |                 .getSessionContext().get("companies");
  |     }

Then in the Faces view you use ice:dataTable like this:

  | <ice:dataTable value="#{companyList.results}" var="result"
  |         sortColumn="#{companyList.sortColumn}"
  |         sortAscending="#{companyList.ascending}" ... >
  |     <ice:column>        
  |         <f:facet name="header">
  |             <ice:commandSortHeader columnName="name" arrow="true">
  |                 <ice:outputText value="Company Name" />
  |             </ice:commandSortHeader>
  |          </f:facet>
  |          <h:outputLink value="#{result.url}">
  |              #{result.name}
  |          </h:outputLink>
  |     </ice:column>
  |     <ice:column>        
  |         <f:facet name="header">
  |             <ice:commandSortHeader columnName="city" arrow="true">
  |                 <ice:outputText value="Main Office" />
  |             </ice:commandSortHeader>
  |          </f:facet>
  |          <h:outputText>
  |              #{result.city}
  |          </h:outputText>
  |     </ice:column>
  | </ice:dataTable>

and it works for me. I may have omitted some stuff from my example there, but 
hopefully you get the gist of it...

It seems that Seam doesn't outject the updated DataModel on a partial submit, 
but the "getResults" method will.

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