Read the documentation about TransactionalSeamPhaseListener in the reference to 
get more details, here is the Javadoc:

 * Transaction management for extended persistence contexts.
 * A transaction spans the restore view, apply request values, process 
 * update model values and invoke application phases. It is committed when
 * invoke application is complete, or renderResponse() or responseComplete() is
 * called. A second transaction spans the render response phase.

And something is not right with your code: @Transactional is for JavaBeans, you 
are using EJBs. If you want to change the transaction assembly, use 
@TransactionAttribute for EJBs. If you just want to say "I want a transaction 
when a method is called", you don't need any annotation, that's the job of the 

Finally, I would not use @Stateful EJBs and extended persistence contexts, 
unless you really understand all the implications of the persistence 
propagation rules - which is quite complex. I recommend you either read my book 
or that you read the Seam reference docs and use a Seam-managed persistence 
context. I've described the differences a few times in the past in detail, 
search the forum.

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