I was a complete newbie in January, so have recently followed the path you're 
on.  I think seam-gen's main benefit is just providing a project structure and 
correct packaging of a seam app.  The generation stuff was useful for my first 
test page, but I haven't used it since.  It's much better to just create things 
by hand, especially since seam apps tend to be code-light.

I did find the book useful.  I picked up a rough cut from Oreilly's safari, and 
read it straight through.  It's a little dated (seam development is moving 
FAST), but is a much gentler introduction than the docs.  Docs become extremely 
useful once you get the core concepts.  

Beyond that, I've found that the breadth of example apps included to be 
tremendously helpful.  When I'm not sure how to do something, I often grep 
through the example source to see where whatever-it-is is being used.  The wiki 
in particular elegantly implements some non-trivial functionality.  Lots to be 
learned from looking at others' code.

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