Well thank you for clarifying this! I was already wondering why seam would 
introduce an extra transaction annotation, which lacks some of the EJB3 
transactional attributes.

anonymous wrote : 
  | By the way, you can always use the TransactionalSeamPhaseListener and 
@TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) to suspend the existing transaction during 
a particular method call in INVOKE APPLICATION. Your method then executes in a 
new transaction context - which is committed when the method returns.
  | As long as your are using a Seam-managed persistence context [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] EntityManager, this should work fine even if your method calls other 
transactional methods that use the entity manager.

However, I still have to say that tagging my method with 
@TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) and using a 
"TransactionalSeamPhaseListener" does not work: All the data is written at the 
very end of the invocation, which takes about 20 minutes.

Do you have any idea why your suggestion does/might not work in my szenario, 
which is:

User klicks a link, which calls an action method of a SFSB (statefull), which 
then calls a SLSB (stateless), which start inserting many entities by repeately 
calling local methods of which some again call another SLSB's method.

BTW: In another forum thread somebody told me to use @TransactionTimeout, when 
I ran into a TransactionTimeout exception, which occurred because the process 
lasts for 20 minutes. I tried that without any luck.

I had to increase the Timeout in jta-service.xml in order for this single 
transaction to complete at all. Because the suggested annotation did not extend 
the Timeout and because your suggestions does not work for me either, I get the 
feeling that those EJB3 annotations are not working with/on seam components.

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