I'm using 1.2.1.  I'm having a devil of a time with it, so I'm not even going 
to try to use pre-release stuff right now.

There is definitely a components.xml in META-INF and Seam is scanning it.  I 
setup a component like this:

  |     <factory name="remoteAddr"  auto-create="true"
  |         value="#{facesContext.externalContext.request.remoteAddr}" />

and then I can use ${remoteAddr} to see my browser IP address.  So certainly 
the components.xml file is working.

But what's weird is a) it's not creating the entityManager and b) it's not 
registering any of my other Seam components.

Any ideas?  I've spent about two days on this.  When it works, Seam is the 
greatest thing since sliced bread.  When there is a configuration problem, Seam 
is a nightmare.

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