"vincent.latombe" wrote : AFAIK, outjection is done after each call of each 
method of a component.
Yes, if there's a method call - but what if there isn't one?

My use case is pretty simple, actually: there's an entity X, with an User 
attribute, so that each user can see their own Xs, while an admin can see all 
of them (optionally filtetred by user). Thus, there's an EntityQuery set up 
("FROM X x") with restrictions in the form of "x.user = #{selectedUser}", where 
selectedUser is outjected. Admin screen either outjects null (default on page 
load) or the user that list should be filtered on (via method call in admin 
screen controller). User screen, OTOH, is to automatically outject the current 
logged in user as selectedUser. To accomplish this, the controller bean for 
user screen declares @In @Out ("selectedUser") User principal; (principal is 
the current logged in user, outjected into session on login).

The only problem is, there's no way to control which of the controller beans 
would outject the value first (on first page load, for instance). The hacker 
way to solve this is to introduce a no-op method in each of the controllers, 
that would execute on page load and do all the outjection, like that: <page 
  |             action="#{accountController.noOp}" />, but of course this is 
just a hack...

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