
Thank you for your response! I really appreciate it.

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : There is no garuntee on how many times the 
authenticate method will be called. 
  | <..snip..>

That's bad :( 
I'm facing the situation that the database is counting the login attempts and 
blocks the account, when an invalid password is provided three times. 
How would I deal with the fact, that I don't know how often the 
Authenticator.authenticate() method is called?
Does this mean, that I can't use the build-in identity component?

Could you explain, why the method could be called multiple times within the 
same request-response-cycle? I thought, if the action method returns "false" 
then a simple re-rendering of the page is performed. 

Regarding the exceptions, I do have a try/catch(Exception e) in my 
dbAccess.authenticate() method - nothing is captured there...

Best Regards, Kurt

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