(as there have already been sufficient responses, this is mainly for the

I cannot say that we are in production yet, but I can say that we will be in
the next few months using Jboss on a Win2000/SQL Server 2000/Apache/Tomcat
type configuration. We will expect to have an average of 3000 users per day
with around 100,000 database hits per hour (get/set type hits). We have
worked out 95% of the kinks with our usage of Jboss and have no reason to
believe that it cannot or will not suit our needs. The other 5% are noted in
the archives (like 2.1 deployment issues) and mostly have work arounds and
should be fixed in a later version, but are not show stoppers. If you look
through the jboss-user archives you will find that many people are using
Jboss for commercial purposes. The catch is that making a commercial large
scale application takes time, and since many of us have just recently
started using jboss it may be a while before you start seeing large scale
apps using jboss in production. Then again, since we are all relatively new
to this (no-one had been coding with Jboss for 10 years) we have been going
through growing pains together, and as the archives reflect, have been
furiously making jboss better and be better documented. If you went with
Jboss you would be part of an growing open source community dedicated to
making a truly first class standards-compliant EJB server.

Hope this helps...

Frank Thiemonge
Technical Team Lead, Development and Integration
WorldTravel BTI
400 Skokie Blvd
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: (847) 480-8637
Fax: (810) 314-7594

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Burke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 4:47 PM
To: JBoss-User
Subject: [JBoss-user] I need ammo


I need help.  I really need some references on who is using JBoss in 
production and to what scale.  I'm  meeting resistence on adopting JBoss 
at my company and really need this  information  to convince the 
nervous, uninformed, upper-upper management(CIO types) that this is the 
way to go.

Thanks very much in advance,

Bill Burke

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