Steven Webster wrote:
> I'm having a real hard time trying to get JBoss working with MySQL;
> reading through the list archives, all I can really ascertain is that
> the docs are not necessarily correct with regards to setting up JBoss.
> Has anyone successfully setup JBoss with MySql, that could perhaps
> send me the various entries they've made in the properties, conf and
> jcml files, to get things working ?  I've got the driver installed ok,
> and checked it works with some simple JDBC client code (non EJB code).

I just got this working this week with the help of people on this list.
I am using JBoss 2.0. For newer versions check the documentation. But
for JBoss2.0, I made the following changes:

1) jboss.conf:


Note: Although I just saw Danch say in his latest email that this is not
needed, "Do Nothing to or jboss.conf".

2) jboss.jcml:

    <mbean name="DefaultDomain:service=XADataSource,name=mySQL">
       <attribute name="Properties"></attribute>
       <attribute name="GCMinIdleTime">1200000</attribute>
       <attribute name="JDBCUser">user_goes_here</attribute>
       <attribute name="MaxSize">10</attribute>
       <attribute name="Password">password_goes_here</attribute>
       <attribute name="GCEnabled">false</attribute>
       <attribute name="InvalidateOnError">false</attribute>
       <attribute name="TimestampUsed">false</attribute>
       <attribute name="Blocking">true</attribute>
       <attribute name="GCInterval">120000</attribute>
       <attribute name="IdleTimeout">1800000</attribute>
       <attribute name="IdleTimeoutEnabled">false</attribute>
       <attribute name="LoggingEnabled">false</attribute>
       <attribute name="MaxIdleTimeoutPercent">1.0</attribute>
       <attribute name="MinSize">0</attribute>

3) In my session bean:

 // Get database connection from pool
     Connection conn = null;
     Statement stmt = null;
     ResultSet set = null;
     try {

        DataSource ds = (DataSource)(new InitialContext()).lookup(
        conn = ds.getConnection();
        set = stmt.executeQuery(query);
        while ( {
        ..... sql processing

     catch (SQLException e){
                System.out.println("SQL statement exception");
     catch (javax.naming.NamingException e){
     finally {
       if (conn != null) try {conn.close();}catch (SQLException ignore)
       if (stmt != null) try {stmt.close();}catch (SQLException ignore2)
       if (set != null) try {set.close();}catch (SQLException ignore3)

4) In mySQL make sure that you grant the right permissions to the user
and allow the right host.

Hope this helps,

Brian Elliott
Unplugged Systems

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