Is it possible to implement a ejbFindBySQLWhere(java.lang.String) in
jboss ? this is finder method is one of the methods that are implemented
in Persistance Powertier, and I am working on porting some code from
there. Well the Wrapers that powertier generates uses this method. 

The following lines I found in the ejb 1.1 spec. : 
The finder methods are generated at the entity bean deployment time
using the container provider's
tools. The tools can, for example, create a subclass of the entity bean
class that implements the
ejbFind<METHOD>() methods, or the tools can generate the implementation
of the finder methods
directly in the class that implements the entity bean's home interface.

so according to this if it hasn´t been built into Jboss it´s not
possible, or what ?



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