I think you could do this by writing a new descendant of

You would need to override getSQL to return the SQL with the modified where
clause and setParameters to do nothing. ( I assume if you want to set the
where clause dynamically you don't also want to have some variable number
of parameters used in the where clause.)  I'm less sure how much of
jaws.dtd (which seems to exist only conceptually) you would need to modify
in order to get your new finder class used.

Are you sure doing this is a good idea? Unless you figure out some way to
actually use dynamic parameter lists, you are going to be generating lots
of possibly uncontrolled (where does the where clause come from?) queries
each one of which has to be parsed individually by the db.  This adds a LOT
of performance overhead, not to mention you may not be able to predict
which indexes would be useful.

Hope this helps
David Jencks
On 2001.04.18 12:17:49 -0400 Reynir Hübner wrote:
> Is it possible to implement a ejbFindBySQLWhere(java.lang.String) in
> jboss ? this is finder method is one of the methods that are implemented
> in Persistance Powertier, and I am working on porting some code from
> there. Well the Wrapers that powertier generates uses this method. 
> The following lines I found in the ejb 1.1 spec. : 
> ----
> The finder methods are generated at the entity bean deployment time
> using the container provider's
> tools. The tools can, for example, create a subclass of the entity bean
> class that implements the
> ejbFind<METHOD>() methods, or the tools can generate the implementation
> of the finder methods
> directly in the class that implements the entity bean's home interface.
> ----
> so according to this if it hasn´t been built into Jboss it´s not
> possible, or what ?
> thanx, 
> r
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