
We have the following problem :

The problem is that we have to deal with direct access to the underlying
database. We absolutely cannot make all accesses go through the EJB
layer (for now that is). While this is the case, we have to find ways to
make JBoss refresh the data from the physical database when it is

So we thought it would be simple to add a SSB to offer cache management
services to our "old" application to call. ie. make changes through
VB/ADO/OleDB application and "inform" the JBoss server that those tables
need to be "flushed".

But we do want to keep the cache, because it is more efficient.

So we created our own LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy class to be able
to passivate beans with JMS messages.  We actually call the ageOut
method with the beans key we want to flush by going through the LRUList
obtains from getList() method. But there is still a problem, the beans
that are in a transaction don't get passivated.

How can we ensure that all the beans we want to be passivate get
passivated and  that, wathever is the age of the bean ?

Francois Archambault

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