
I've got jBoss running with MS SQL server for CMP no problem. (The
documentation team should take a bow)  It's set as my default pool.

But when I try to get a DataSource from the pool things get weird.

If I start jBoss up I get this message

[Container factory]
[Verifier] Verifying
[Container factory] Deploying CustomerBean
[Container factory] Deploying BenchMarkBean
[Container factory] Deploying SequenceBean
[JAWS] Table 'CustomerBean' already exists
[Container factory] No resource manager found for jdbc/sequence

and if I run my client I get (first two lines are mine)
[SequenceBean] nextKey called
[SequenceBean] looking for java:comp/env/jdbc/sequence
[SequenceBean] javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jdbc not bound
(stack trace deleted: it was long)

What's odd is if I re-deploy while the server is running 
I get 
[Container factory]
[Verifier] Verifying
[Container factory] Deploying CustomerBean
[Container factory] Deploying BenchMarkBean
[Container factory] Deploying SequenceBean
[JAWS] Table 'CustomerBean' already exists
[Container factory] Deployed application:
[J2EE Deployer Default] J2EE application:
file:/D:/JBoss-2.2.1/deploy/demoejb.jar is deployed.

and if I run the client, I get 
[SequenceBean] nextKey called
[SequenceBean] looking for java:comp/env/jdbc/sequence
[SequenceBean] org.opentools.minerva.jdbc.xa.XAPoolDataSource@5d391d

so I'm getting a data source but it hangs when I call getConnection()

Seems like two problems to me, 
1) deploy on stat up doesn't seem to happen in the right order (just a
2) I can't get a connection from a pool that works for CMP.

I'm not sure what do about number 1, I do have some question about 2.
in my bean I have 
                                <description>the db for key
as my resource 
and is standardjaws,xml I have 
    <type-mapping>MS SQLSERVER</type-mapping>

is there anything more I need to map jdbc/sequence to the SQLServerPool?  It
feels like I'm missing a step maping jdbc/sequnce to my sql server pool but
I don't know where to do that.

like I said, the pool works fine for CMP.

To quote Neo, "Trinity, a little help?"


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