On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 06:00:42PM -0400, Rick Gibbs wrote:
> We are getting the following exception when we try to access the ResultSet's
> metadata:
>       ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
>       int columnCount = md.getColumnCount();
> Stack Trace: java.sql.SQLException: ResultSet has been closed!
>       at
> org.opentools.minerva.jdbc.ResultSetInPool.getMetaData(ResultSetInPool.java:
> 542)
>       at
> com.earthcars.core.dao.BaseDAO.constructResultFromResultSet(BaseDAO.java:131
> )
>       at com.earthcars.core.dao.BaseDAO.execute(BaseDAO.java:113)
> We aren't closing the ResultSet until after this piece of code but it seems
> that Minerva is doing that before we get a chance to get the metadata.  Has
> anyone else seen this or expirenced problems with Minerva and metadata?

Sounds like yet another Minerva bug.  As this is now JBossPool, I guess
we should fix these.  Please log this as a bug at SourceForge and include
a complete test case, if at all possible.


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