
it could be a bug, why don't you report it to the sourceforge bug tracker?

What happens if you use the Option B?

-- Juha

At 19:26 5.6.2001 +0200, you wrote:
>I really need some ideas how to solve this problem - I read all about how
>good support is for JBoss doco etc... comparing to other EJB Servers I  am
>getting to a poitn where I have to start looking @ other servers unless I
>can get around this problem. I really need some input from someone out there
>why there finders are behaving funny - ANY hints to where I am faulting -
>even if it is a stupid mistake I'll take the blame just need some input...
>Thanks in advance
>> My search continue...
>> I got this from the JBoss manual, declares all the ejbLoads --> but not
>> the inconsistent data via the finders though
>> Option C: The container does not cache bean instances and instances memory
>> state is synchronized on every transaction start (via ejbLoad). For
>> business methods executing outside a transaction the synchronization is
>> done too, but as the ejbLoad executes in the same transaction context as
>> the triggering business method, the state must still be considered invalid
>> and might already have changed in the persistent storage when the business
>> method executes.
>> When I stop my JBoss server I see that 4 beans are getting passivated ->
>> why four if there are only two entity beans in my system ?
>> I am trying to get some form of conversation going ?
>> Is the JBoss chat room currently active any body willing to discuss a few
>> of my questions (Or maybe using msn-messenger maybe) ?
>> thanks
>> andre
>> > I get a some funny  behaviour whne using JBoss 2.2.2 with commit Option
>> C. 
>> > I update one of my entity beans - all the data updated to the
>> database... no problem!
>> > If I now do look up for this updated entity bean via findByPrimary all
>> my changes are there BUT
>> > when I do a findAll() or any other finder on the same bean that return a
>> collection I get an old copy of the Entity Bean the data before my
>> update...
>> > It seem to be a problem with caching or something.
>>  > In experimenting seperate ejbLoad's get called for each bean returned
>> by the findAll() method and the and different ejbLoad() for each call to
>> the findByPrimaryKey() 
>>  > how does that work ?
>> > any ideas.
>> > my search will continue...
>> > andre vermeulen
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