> 1. If you get a XAxxxConnectionFactory and you do not have any process
>    that actuallt starts the transaction, then you are in trouble.

I can not seem to get any XA classes from the JMS RA, so I am not quite sure
what you mean here.  I was modeling the usage of JMS inside of a bean from
some example from sun, could be the blue prints or the description of the
dtd, not sure.

> 2. I have gotten the same type of exception, and as far as I can
>    remember the solution is to put jbossmq-client.jar in your classpath,
>    ie for server to server communication, put it in lib/ext (but I have
>    not tested this for a while).

I can try this, but it seems odd that this would fix the problem.  I will
look into it more.

> > An overly simplified view of the system looks like this, showing three
> > seperate pyshical machines: web server, manager node and router.  The
> > current architecture assumes a hub-spoke model for using JMS resources, so
> > that all machines that actually make use of the JMS resources are remote,
> > there are not MDB's running on the router.
> You mean the MDB:s are running on the nodes (subscribing to destinations
> in the router) and the session beans are also on the nodes, sending to
> destinations in the router?


> >                       RMI
> >   [ web server ] +-----------+ [ manager node ]
> >                                    |       |
> >                          (SessionBean)   (MDB)
> >                            |               |
> >                    JMS Queue Resource      |
> >                                  \        /
> >                                    \    /
> >                                  [ router ]
> >                                      ||
> >                                 (real queues)
> >
> > I installed the resource adapter, which seems to like to be deployed rather
> > than having a mbean entry added in jboss.jcml, which I basically copied from
> > the main branch conf/default files.
> Hm, the ra must be both in jboss.jcml AND be deployed. It is confiured
> in jboss.jcml and bound to the correct JNDI, and then the *.ra file must
> be deployed (which is done be default in cvs version and 2.4).

I think I was mistaken, I did have a configuration as well as a deployment.
What does the deployed ra actually provide?

Is it important that it be deployed prior to the configuration?  My guess is
not, but I want to make sure.

> > The manager has a JMSProviderLoader installed which is using a remote
> > <hostname>:<port> url to the router, and has the default session pool stuff.
> > I think that the MDB bits work fine.  I do not *think* that I had to change
> > anything to get that to work, the problem I am running into is with JMS
> > resources.
> Do you have a customized JMSProviderLoader, of type:
>   <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader" 
>     <attribute name="ProviderName">MyRemoteProvider</attribute>
>      <attribute name="ProviderUrl">router:1099</attribute>
>     <attribute 
>   </mbean>

My JMS provide is still called DefaultJMSProvider and I did specify for the
factory loader that JNDI name was:


Should I omit the java:/ ?

What is ra.xml?

> > A while back someone (could be you) said that using res-url was a hack
> > around the lack of support for JMS resources, is that still true?
> For jboss 2.2.2 that is still true. In the developmen version it is not,
> if the ra is used.
> I have to admit there is still a problem with destination. To get the
> connection from the correct JNDI you configure a ProviderLoader, but the
> way both JMS and J2EE connector specifation is done I have found no way
> of abstracting access to the destinations out from the normal JNDI
> access.
> If jnp://router:5001/queue/WorkRequestQueue does not work, you will have
> to use Scot Starks solution to integrate another JNDI space into the
> local JNDI, but I do not think this is your problem.

This seems to work.  I am able to lookup destinations and get most of the
way done processing until I get a TX related exception.

> > If not
> > what is the correct way to reference a remote connection and destination
> > inside of the descriptor?
> As far as I can see it you have done perfectly right, but remote
> subscriptions with TX support has not been that much tested.
> Pleas try the jbossmq-client.jar trick and see if it works.

So I should use res-jndi-name for the factory and res-url for the
destination?  Or isn't there some other tag that I am supposed to use for
destinations.  Sorry, I am still not clear on that... though I suppose it
does not really matter much as long as the lookup succeeds.

> I am sorry to say this, but I am going on a pretty long vaication from
> today. I will try to check my mail of and on, the there may be long
> periods of silence.

How long is "pretty long"?  Days, weeks, months, years?  I hope you have a
good time.

> I do hope you get it going.

Me too.

> (Have you checked the jmsra tests in jbosstest?

Not yet, but I will look into that more.



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