I found the problem, well I solved my problem is a better way to put it.
The session bean (stateful) which I was using to send messages from was
creating a session in the ejbCreate() method, then actually used in another.

I was assuming that the container would "do the right thing" in this case,
but perhaps it is not supposed to do here.  I updated the bean to create the
session in the method from which it was used and it is much happier now.

I did run into some other problems along the way, like trying to start() or
close() connections.  But at this point I have everything working again with
most of the JMS usage going through the JMS RA.  There is one bit that needs
to be re-architected into a bean so it can also participate in the TX, but
that can wait.

Thank you for the time you spent with the example below, this was exactly
what I was looking for.


On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Peter Antman wrote:

> Hi again Jason,
> I did actually have some time to make a test, and it works fine for me.
> (This will be integreated into the new manual chapter I will be writing
> during the summer).
> Here is al my setups, with the remote machine beeing
> linutv1.annons.dn.se (its NOT accessable)
> in jboss.jcml:
> <!-- This must go into jboss.jcml to get remote version to work -->
>   <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader" 
>     <attribute name="ProviderName">MyRemoteProvider</attribute>
>      <attribute name="ProviderUrl">linutv1.annons.dn.se:1099</attribute>
>     <attribute 
>   </mbean>
> <!-- JMS XA Resource adapter, use this to get transacted JMS in beans -->
>   <mbean code="org.jboss.resource.ConnectionFactoryLoader"
>          name="JCA:service=ConnectionFactoryLoader,name=RemoteJmsXA">
>     <attribute name="FactoryName">RemoteJmsXA</attribute>
>     <attribute name="RARDeployerName">JCA:service=RARDeployer</attribute>
>     <attribute name="ResourceAdapterName">JMS Adapter</attribute>
>     <attribute name="ConnectionManagerFactoryName">MinervaXACMFactory</attribute>
>     <!-- See the documentation for the specific connection manager
>          implementation you are using for the properties you can set -->
>     <attribute name="ConnectionManagerProperties">
>     <attribute name="Properties">
>       JmsProviderAdapterJNDI=java:MyRemoteProvider
>     </attribute>
>       # Pool type - uncomment to force, otherwise it is the default
>       #PoolConfiguration=per-factory
>       # Connection pooling properties - see
>       # org.opentools.minerva.pool.PoolParameters
>       MinSize=0
>       MaxSize=10
>       Blocking=true
>       GCEnabled=false
>       IdleTimeoutEnabled=false
>       InvalidateOnError=false
>       TrackLastUsed=false
>       GCIntervalMillis=120000
>       GCMinIdleMillis=1200000
>       IdleTimeoutMillis=1800000
>       MaxIdleTimeoutPercent=1.0
>     </attribute>
>     <!-- Principal mapping configuration -->
>     <attribute 
>     <attribute name="PrincipalMappingProperties">
>     </attribute>
>   </mbean>
> In jboss.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
> <jboss>
>      <secure>false</secure>
>       <resource-managers>
>         <resource-manager>
>           <res-name>topicfactoryref</res-name>
>           <res-jndi-name>java:/RemoteJmsXA</res-jndi-name>
>         </resource-manager>
>         <resource-manager>
>           <res-name>topicref</res-name>
>         </resource-manager>
>     </resource-managers>
>      <enterprise-beans>
>        <session>
>        <ejb-name>TopicHello</ejb-name>
>        <jndi-name>TxTopicHello</jndi-name>
>        <configuration-name>Standard Stateless SessionBean</configuration-name>
>           <resource-ref>
>            <res-ref-name>jms/MyTopicConnection</res-ref-name>
>            <resource-name>topicfactoryref</resource-name>
>          </resource-ref>
>          <resource-ref>
>            <res-ref-name>jms/TopicName</res-ref-name>
>            <resource-name>topicref</resource-name>
>          </resource-ref>
>        </session>
>      </enterprise-beans>
> </jboss>
> Observe the <res-jndi-name> here, not url.
> ejb-jar (actually nothing particular)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
> <ejb-jar>
>      <description>Queue Publisher</description>
>      <display-name>PublisherBean</display-name>
>      <enterprise-beans>
>        <session>
>        <display-name>TopicHello</display-name>
>        <ejb-name>TopicHello</ejb-name>
>        <home>org.jboss.docs.jms.ra.interfaces.HelloHome</home>
>        <remote>org.jboss.docs.jms.ra.interfaces.Hello</remote>
>        <ejb-class>org.jboss.docs.jms.ra.bean.TopicHelloBean</ejb-class>
>        <session-type>Stateless</session-type>
>        <transaction-type>Container</transaction-type>
>          <resource-ref>
>             <description>A Topic ConnectionFactory</description>
>             <res-ref-name>jms/MyTopicConnection</res-ref-name>
>             <res-type>javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory</res-type>
>             <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>          </resource-ref>
>          <resource-ref>
>             <description>A Topic </description>
>             <res-ref-name>jms/TopicName</res-ref-name>
>             <res-type>javax.jms.Topic</res-type>
>             <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>          </resource-ref>
>        </session>
>      </enterprise-beans>
>      <assembly-descriptor/>
>    </ejb-jar>
> And the bean:
> package org.jboss.docs.jms.ra.bean;
> import java.rmi.RemoteException;
> import java.util.*;
> import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
> import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
> import javax.ejb.EJBException;
> import javax.naming.*;
> import javax.jms.*;
> import org.jboss.docs.jms.ra.interfaces.*;
> public class TopicHelloBean implements SessionBean {
>     private static final String CONNECTION_JNDI = 
>     private static final String TOPIC_JNDI = "java:comp/env/jms/TopicName";
>     private SessionContext ctx = null;
>     private Topic topic = null;
>     private TopicConnection topicConnection = null;
>     public TopicHelloBean() {
>     }
>     public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {
>         this.ctx = ctx;
>     }
>     public void ejbCreate()  {
>         try {
>             Context context = new InitialContext();
>             topic = (Topic)context.lookup(TOPIC_JNDI);
>           TopicConnectionFactory factory = 
>           topicConnection = factory.createTopicConnection();
>         } catch (Exception ex) {
>             // JMSException or NamingException could be thrown
>             ex.printStackTrace();
>           throw new EJBException(ex.toString());
>         }
>     }
>     /**
>      * Send a message with a message nr in property MESSAGE_NR
>      */
>     public void hello(String msg)  {
>       sendMessage(msg);
>     }
>     public void ejbRemove() throws RemoteException {
>         if(topicConnection != null) {
>             try {
>                 topicConnection.close();
>             } catch (Exception e) {
>                 e.printStackTrace();
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     public void ejbActivate() {}
>     public void ejbPassivate() {}
>     private void sendMessage(String msg) {
>       TopicSession   topicSession = null;
>       try {
>           TopicPublisher topicPublisher = null;
>           TextMessage    message = null;
>             topicSession =
>                 topicConnection.createTopicSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
>             topicPublisher = topicSession.createPublisher(topic);
>             message = topicSession.createTextMessage();
>           message.setText(msg);
>           topicPublisher.publish(message);
>         } catch (JMSException ex) {
>             ex.printStackTrace();
>             ctx.setRollbackOnly();
>           throw new EJBException(ex.toString());
>         } finally {
>             if (topicSession != null) {
>                 try {
>                     topicSession.close();
>                 } catch (Exception e) {
>                     e.printStackTrace();
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> This was done with a resonable new checkout from cvs (node) and 2.2.2 as
> a router (to follow your setup).
> Hope you will hace success with this setup.
> //Peter
> On 20 Jun, Jason Dillon wrote:
> > Hey, I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now and I keep
> > running into walls.  I have a distributed system that uses JMS for
> > communication, using a centralized router (all running on JBoss with
> > JBossMQ).
> >
> > I was able to get everything working using an ExternalContext, to map in the
> > namespace of the remote router, but that is less than perfect.  I started to
> > change over to the JmsXA adapter, but I am running into some odd problems.
> >
> > An overly simplified view of the system looks like this, showing three
> > seperate pyshical machines: web server, manager node and router.  The
> > current architecture assumes a hub-spoke model for using JMS resources, so
> > that all machines that actually make use of the JMS resources are remote,
> > there are not MDB's running on the router.
> >
> >                       RMI
> >   [ web server ] +-----------+ [ manager node ]
> >                                    |       |
> >                          (SessionBean)   (MDB)
> >                            |               |
> >                    JMS Queue Resource      |
> >                                  \        /
> >                                    \    /
> >                                  [ router ]
> >                                      ||
> >                                 (real queues)
> >
> > I installed the resource adapter, which seems to like to be deployed rather
> > than having a mbean entry added in jboss.jcml, which I basically copied from
> > the main branch conf/default files.
> >
> > The manager has a JMSProviderLoader installed which is using a remote
> > <hostname>:<port> url to the router, and has the default session pool stuff.
> > I think that the MDB bits work fine.  I do not *think* that I had to change
> > anything to get that to work, the problem I am running into is with JMS
> > resources.
> >
> > Per your change note, I changed the res-jndi-name to from the external
> > context path to java:JmsXA.  But I also had to use url's to get the
> > destinations to work.  So I ended up with something like this:
> >
> >  <resource-managers>
> >     <resource-manager>
> >       <res-name>QueueConnectionFactory</res-name>
> >       <res-jndi-name>java:/JmsXA</res-jndi-name>
> >     </resource-manager>
> >
> >     <resource-manager>
> >       <res-name>WorkRequestQueue</res-name>
> >        <res-url>jnp://router:5001/queue/WorkRequestQueue</res-url>
> >     </resource-manager>
> >
> >     <resource-manager>
> >       <res-name>WorkResponseQueue</res-name>
> >       <res-url>jnp://router:5001/queue/WorkResponseQueue</res-url>
> >     </resource-manager>
> >   </resource-managers>
> >
> > I started up the application again, and got:
> >
> > <snip>
> > javax.jms.JMSException: Invalid transaction id.
> >     at
> > org.jbossmq.SpyXAResourceManager.addMessage(SpyXAResourceManager.java:80)
> >     at org.jbossmq.SpySession.sendMessage(SpySession.java:381)
> >     at org.jbossmq.SpyQueueSender.send(SpyQueueSender.java:103)
> >     at org.jbossmq.SpyQueueSender.send(SpyQueueSender.java:62)
> >     at
> > 
> >     at
> > 
> >     at
> > 
> >     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> >     at
> > 
> >     at
> > org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor.invoke(SecurityInterceptor.java:127)
> >     at
> > 
> >     at
> > org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.invokeNext(TxInterceptorCMT.java:159)
> >     at
> > 
> >     at
> > org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.invoke(TxInterceptorCMT.java:107)
> >     at
> > org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor.invoke(LogInterceptor.java:195)
> >     at
> > org.jboss.ejb.StatefulSessionContainer.invoke(StatefulSessionContainer.java:341)
> >     at
> > 
> >     at
> > 
> >     at
> > 
> >     at $Proxy25.spool(Unknown Source)
> >     at
> > com.boldfish.does.job.service.JobController$Runner.run(JobController.java:216)
> >     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
> > </snip>
> >
> > So I thought that I should try a distributed TX manager, since that is what
> > i really want.  I changed over to Tyrex on all nodes and I still got the
> > same results.  I then tried to use a jnp:// url for the res-jndi-name, which
> > looks like it got a little further, but throw a different TX related
> > excepetion laiter.
> >
> > I have session beans that use JMS resources and I have MDB, all of which
> > work off of a remote provider.  What is the supported deployment descriptor
> > syntax for JMS resources (both factories and desitations) and what needs to
> > be done to make the distributed TX work.
> >
> > A while back someone (could be you) said that using res-url was a hack
> > around the lack of support for JMS resources, is that still true?  If not
> > what is the correct way to reference a remote connection and destination
> > inside of the descriptor?
> >
> > If you need more detail I can provide that for you, or really anyone who
> > might have a clue as to why this is not working correctly.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > --jason
> >
> >
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