To use JAAS the web app has to be bundled as a war with a
security domain defined in a jboss-web.xml descriptor. See:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Heitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 3:37 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] tomcat and jboss and JAAS

> I've downloaded the default install for the
> JBoss-Tomcat collaboration, but the JAAS that is
> shipped with Jboss doesn't seem to perform
> authentication the way it's supposed to.  The tomcat
> example war file secures a few pages, but JBoss throws
> a "JNDI error: env not bound" error which suggests to
> me that some JNDI binding that is supposed to appear
> in the env namespace isn't happening.  Cna anyone
> point me to an straightforward example of how a tomcat
> servlet or jsp can be secured via JBoss's Secuirty
> Manager?
> Thanks 
> =====
> Nicholas Heitz
> 105 W. Stinson
> Chapel Hill, NC  27516
> (919) 929-4493

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