To the aptly named Richard Bottoms,

In response to

>I really think JBoss as a serious technology about to fly.
> For the sake of my own business, and for my interest as a journalist I'm
> for documenting its progress.

While after two years of existence we're flattered that you've discovered
us, we remind you that you cannot legally use the JBoss (TM) name to sell
any products on your website.

>I'll be looking to do interviews with the developers of the technology, and
>cover new products, services and success stories.

We wonder what news access you'll have if you're already addressing JBoss's
founder and lead developer as
|Look bub,

>|But, most importantly I'll help newbies find their way to their first
> |successes to keep them interested and supportive of the
> technology. This
> |will free up the more experienced folks to do the research
> andimprovements
> |needed to expand JBoss.

I'm sure the contributors to JBoss appreciate your sentiment in wanting to
relieve them from the burden of earning a living off their work.

Nathalie Mason
Director of Business Development
JBoss Group

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