Thank you, Ole, for saying what has been on my mind in a fashion far 
more succinct and calm than I could manage.

I, for one, was happy with the idea that Richard had: the web site he 
proposed may have allowed me to never again have to explain why you 
can't use autoincremented key fields with CMP EJBs (among other things).


Ole Husgaard wrote:

> Hi,
>>If you don't like the fact that the open source licence (LGPL) for jBoss
>>allows this, then don't release it as open source.
>>If you don't release jBoss as open source then jBoss would not look like
>>jBoss at all, maybe more like Microsoft Windows ;-)
> I Agree.
> We cannot first give people permission to redistribute,
> and then get angry about those who use that permission
> and call them "free loaders".
> Marc wrote:
>>>yes so we put up a website and the technology so free loaders
>>>like you can
>>>come along and "for the sake of their business" not
>>>contribute a bit to the
>>>project and draw the traffic to themselves.
> Personally, I would be p*ssed off by such a statement.
> All he wants is to write about JBoss (spreading the
> word is IMHO fine) and redistribute it (we gave him
> permission for that with the LGPL).
> However, he did one minor piece of inappropriate
> free loading: He used this list for advertizing
> for his web site, without any concrete references
> to anything JBoss-related.
> IMO, it is OK to use this list for notifying
> interested readers that something JBoss-related
> can be found somewhere. But is is _not_ OK that
> this list be used for advertizing web sites where
> something JBoss-related may be found at some point
> in the future.
> Best Regards,
> Ole Husgaard.
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