Michael Jara wrote:

> I've run into a problem previously mentioned in the archives here: 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/jboss-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg03141.html
> Does anyone have a good workaround for this (aside from "don't use 
> setRollbackOnly", or "hack TxCapsule and build it yourself"?)  This 
> seems like a pretty major issue, I'm a little surprsed to see it present 
> in JBoss at this stage (release version 2.2.2.)
> After a quick scan of the latest source changes, it didn't look to me as 
> if this had been touched (although I am admittedly clueless as to how 
> most of this stuff is implemented.)  There is a bug logged, #420714, 
> which seems to refer to this problem.  Unfortunately, the description is 
> pretty sparse, so I'm not sure if it is the exact same problem.  At any 
> rate, the bug is unassigned and is marked medium priority.  Do any of 
> you JBoss gurus out there have this on your bug-fix to-do list?  (I'd 
> take a crack at it, but being new to JBoss, I'm not really qualified.)
> BTW, I tried deploying my jar in the beta 2.4, and my app wouldn't even 
> run.  It appears that JAWS is broken, it lower-cased all of the SQL text 
> in my custom finders.  While this might work for databases such as 
> Hypersonic, Sybase ASE (what I'm using) is case-sensitive.

Case sensitive with regard to table and column names?


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