On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 03:41:12AM +0200, Peter Fagerlund wrote:
> Ahhh ... pushing forward is hard ... change ... the pain of growing ...
> cognisance dissonance - from having to change a GUI ... ;-) ... I to feel
> uncomfortable but recognise it is me - having to adapt really ... Just have
> hourly/daily/monthly *text* "tome's" downloadable for those who like to read
> and grep offline ... could be one simple solution ...

Actually, when it comes to user interfaces, moving to an exclusively
web based solution is a significant step backwards. With mail, the
content and the presentation are very firmly separate. As a user, I am
only bound by the content and I can use whatever presentation I
like. I have used my mail reader for years and have become very
comfortable with it. This is true for many others. If I become unhappy
with the way my mail is presented, I can get _any_ other mail reader
that supports the content format (SMTP) and use that in stead.

The exclusively web based solution integrates both content and
presentation into one. I have to be satisfied with the way the web
solution chooses to present the content to me and there is no way I
can change this to fit myself. Not to mention that I have to be happy
with the excessively crappy web forms text editor when composing

It represents a step backwards in terms of usability, apparantly in
order to pave the way for a step forwards in implementation (i.e., use
web/jboss/whatnot). I don't like it when the usability of a service is
sacrificed in favour of some behind-the-scenes implementation details
that I couldn't care less about (as a user).

But that's just me - a picky end user.

As a developer, I find the jboss/jetty/web forum thing very
interesting. But I was very disappointed to learn that it won't
support SMTP as this limitation makes it largely useless for anything
halfway serious. In my opinion.

        Bent D
Bent Dalager - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pvv.org/~bcd
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