>   Bean   : SphfGeneratorBean
>   Method : public abstract SphfGenerator create()
> throws
> CreateException, RemoteException
>   Section: 6.10.6
>   Warning: The method return values in the home
> interface must be of

this error should go away if you make SphfGenerator implement
the serializable interface. if it is not serializable, it is
not a valid return type. i'm not sure if this solves your
other problem as i don't know your servlet code.


Jan Heise / Tel: +49-170-4803237 / E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von Allan
Gesendet: Freitag, 20. Juli 2001 14:13
Betreff: Re: [JBoss-user] RE:My app deploys but lookup from servlet
won't work ! HELP!

I've been searching for an answer to the same problem
(with exactly the same senerio: where a client other
than a servlet is accessing the ejb just fine) for a
couple of weeks.
If you get a solution please let me know.

Allan Kamau.

--- damian guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me how to fix the problem outlined
> below?
> Thanks,
> Damian
> FROM: philips.com
>   DATE: 07/18/2001 08:53:43
>   SUBJECT:  [JBoss-user] My app deploys but lookup
> from servlet won't
> work ! HELP !
>   Hello,
>   I'm a newbye with JBoss and J2EE deployment and
> it's the first web-app
> I try
>   to deploy with JBoss ans EmbeddedTomcat (JBoss 2.2
> + Tomcat 3.2.1).
>   I have made following archives :
>        - First, a jar containg my session beans and
> the enitty
> interfaces
>   they're using (entites are in
>        another jar). When I test this SB with a
> simple client, it works
> well
>   (without the following archives).
>        - Then, a war containg my servlets, web pages
> and the interfaces
> of session beans.
>        - Finally, a ear archive with an
> application.xml for my modules.
>   During the deployment of this ear archive,
> everything seems to go
> well.
>   I've got this messages :
>   ...
>   [Auto deploy] Auto deploy of
> file:/C:/Devlpt/jboss-2.2/deploy/frontend.ear
>   [J2EE Deployer Default] Deploy J2EE application:
> file:/C:/Devlpt/jboss-2.2/deploy/frontend.ear
>   [J2EE Deployer Default] Create application
> frontend.ear
>   [J2EE Deployer Default] inflate and install module
> web-app.war
>   [J2EE Deployer Default] install module ejb-app.jar
>   [J2EE Deployer Default] add all ejb jar files to
> the common classpath
>   [J2EE Deployer Default] Starting module
> web-app.war
>   2001-07-18 05:34:19 - ContextManager: Adding
> context Ctx( /frontend )
>   [Container factory]
>   [Verifier] Verifying
>   [Verifier]
>   Bean   : SphfGeneratorBean
>   Method : public abstract SphfGenerator create()
> throws
> CreateException, RemoteException
>   Section: 6.10.6
>   Warning: The method return values in the home
> interface must be of
> valid
>   types for RMI/IIOP.
>   [Container factory] Deploying SphfGeneratorBean
>   [Container factory] Deployed application:
>   [J2EE Deployer Default] J2EE application:
> file:/C:/Devlpt/jboss-2.2/deploy/frontend.ear
>   is deployed.
>   ...
>   This warning doesn't bother me (first time i
> deploy my session beans,
> i
>   already get it but everything was fine).
>   When I launch my simple client, everything works
> fine !
>   But, when I try a servlet, I've got the following
> exception thrown :
>   2001-07-18 05:34:39 - Ctx( /frontend ): Exception
> in: R( /frontend +
> /servlet/DisplayPlansServlet
>   + null) - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: $Proxy6
>           at
>   Source)
>           at
> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown
> Source)
>           at
> java.io.ObjectStreamClass.newInstance(Unknown
> Source)
>           at
> java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(Unknown
> Source)
>           at
> java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(Unknown
> Source)
>           at
> java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(Unknown Source)
>           at java.rmi.MarshalledObject.get(Unknown
> Source)
>           at
>           at
>           at
> javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
>           at
>           at
>           .....
>   The code in my servlet is just a lookup to my
> session bean (and
> interface
>   classes are in Web-inf/classes).
>   Why does it thrown a NoClassDefFound Error ? What
> is the $Proxy6 class
> ?
>   I've tried to package my application more properly
> by putting the
> sessions
>   interfaces into another jar and by adding
>   a Class-Path entry to the manifest of my web
> module but I always got
> the same result !
>   Could someone help me ? (it's gonna kill me ...)
>   Regards,
>   Laurent
>   ps: sorry for the length of this mail
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