Hi Elmo and thanks for your reply!

What you said is exactly what i want to make (and many of us, i suppose): a 
timer and 2 or more users, first-come-first serve and keep on working. That's 
the right point and what in the paper pefectly works, i tried again (as i had 
already done 100000....00000 times :)

  |       <swimlane name="approver">
  |           <assignment expression="group(groupname)"/>
  |       </swimlane>

but in my case, although i do that the task is assigned to null and the users 
of the group cannot permform the task. I believe there's a bug somewhere and i 
tried to report it http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPM-563?page=all but it 
was refused. I found an alternative way to solve this problem but assigning a 
task to each user and ending the others when the first is served, but the 
central point of this post (i think) should be to clarify all of us if it's 
possible or not to assign a task to more than 1 user.

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