Posted this to the forums about a week ago, in case it was missed, here's
my feedback & findings:

> Web forums are really not for everyone,
> specifically in 56k land.

Well I've had the privilege to compare the speeds of both 56k and DSL
lines just today. (I've finally managed to get my DSL running, after
enduring one hardware meltdown -- what a frustrating week).

It seems that at least some of the speed issues can be caused by the
browser. Right now I'm posting this from a 56k line using IE5. The forum
is very fast.

At the same time I have another box next to me, on DSL, with Netscape
4.61. Extremely slow. I tried Mozilla on the same box, it was faster, but
not even close to what I can do with IE5 and a sucky 56k line :)

The forums were faster even on Netscape (fast enough for me) when they
were not embedded into the JBoss L&F. site has always been
rather slow for me on Netscape, and I suspect it has something to do with
the fancy background layout. Netscape actually pegs my CPU for several
seconds every time it renders the JBoss L&F.

A common problem with both browsers and both connections is the login and
posting though. They both seem to get hung up pretty badly. I tend to just
open a second window to continue with the forum browsing while waiting the
previous posting to get processed by the server.

Anyway, those were my findings. If IE is an option, might be worth a try
(I don't prefer it, but I will use it for these forums from now on :P).

-- Juha

PS. the slowness of login/post has gone away for me. It works quite well
now (if using IE)

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, marc fleury wrote:

> could it be a browser issue??? hmmmmm that needs to be more clearly
> documented
> threads having new messages since your last visit is simply implemented on
> the client by making the title include a number of posts as
> my post [2]
> this way the browser will interpret it as a new link and will show the right
> color (matt you listening?)
> marcf
>   -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of jK.MkIII
>   Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 9:27 AM
>   Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Jive Forums speed feed-back wanted
>   Hi,
>   I am on very big pipe and I noticed couple things..
>   With IE 6.00 everything is very fast (don't need any faster if want to see
> where I am clicking)
>   With Netscape 4.75 things are worse. Everytime I go to thread (1-2
> seconds), and then come back it takes several (~5) secods.
>   But I don't mind because I have switched to IE after noticing similiar
> problems on other places.
>   And my experiences with web boards is that speed is no problem even when
> behind 56k modem, not sure about this one because haven't tested from home.
>   But still would like to point out that it is extremely hard to keep track
> what threads have new messages since last visit because there is nothing
> showing it (unlike all other web boards I have used). And that automatical
> login would also be nice..
>   --
>       jK.MkIII
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