
DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource)

----- Original Message -----
From: Eli Gjørven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 11:00 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Problem with connecting to an Oracle database

> There is probably a solution to this problem to be found in the archives
> at sourceforge, but the search service has unfortunately not been
> available when I have tried to use it.
> I used to have this in my jboss.jcml file:
>   <mbean code="org.jboss.jdbc.HypersonicDatabase"
>          name="DefaultDomain:service=Hypersonic">
>     <attribute name="Port">1476</attribute>
>     <attribute name="Silent">true</attribute>
>     <attribute name="Database">default</attribute>
>     <attribute name="Trace">false</attribute>
>   </mbean>
>   <mbean code="org.jboss.jdbc.XADataSourceLoader"
>          name="DefaultDomain:service=XADataSource,name=DefaultDS">
>     <attribute name="PoolName">DefaultDS</attribute>
>     <attribute
>          name="URL">jdbc:HypersonicSQL:hsql://localhost:1476</attribute>
>     .
>     .
>   </mbean>
>   <mbean code="org.jboss.jdbc.XADataSourceLoader"
>          name="DefaultDomain:service=XADataSource,name=OracleDB">
>      <attribute name="PoolName">OracleDB</attribute>
>      <attribute name="DataSourceClass">
>          org.jboss.pool.jdbc.xa.wrapper.XADataSourceImpl</attribute>
>      <attribute name="URL">
>          jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydatabase</attribute>
>      <attribute name="JDBCUser">myuser</attribute>
>      <attribute name="Password">mypasswd</attribute>
>      <attribute name="MaxSize">10</attribute>
>   </mbean>
> I tried to lookup Oracle from an EJB with this call:
> DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource)
>         initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/OracleDB");
> and got a connection to Hypersonic (and no exceptions). Why?
> When i removed the two upper xml parts, i got the following error message
> when starting JBoss:
> [Container factory] Deploying mybean
> [Container factory] No resource manager found for OracleDB
> I have found no documentation on the upper xml part about Hypersonic. It
> seems like it have to be there, do I have to change it to make this work?
> What else is missing? I am quite new to JBoss, so I guess there might be
> an obvious reason why this does not work.
> --
> Eli.
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